At Home With

Get Busy

So I am just going to start out saying I can only dream of being as funny as these folks are. Like we are talking leaning over, holding your belly, slapping your knee funny.  It has been several weeks and I can still think of something and start laughing.

This family also knows love. They scoop you up and make you one of theirs. I walked in the door and it was like "let's party."

And all that love and funny stuff comes pouring out in a beautiful little human being named Harper. The kid is a rockstar.

She has won the jackpot in the families department.

While getting a dog treat Rebecca casually said, "I don't know. I try not to sweat all the crazy stuff life throws at you because basically if Harp wakes up healthy and happy I don't have much I can complain about. All the rest of the stuff will work itself out. I'm just going to give her lots of love."

Because love really is all we need isn't it?

Here's ChrisRebeccaHarperLolaandElla